Home>Regions>US - Northeast>Hard Ciders from Vermont>Review: Lo-Ball by Shacksbury Craft Cider
Shacksbury Lo-Ball

Review: Lo-Ball by Shacksbury Craft Cider

Review Date: April 11, 2021

Sweetness: Dry

ABV: 4.80%

Cider Maker’s Description

Lo-Ball is a fun loving right-hander known for his highball vibes and citrusy sluggability. At 4.8% and only 70 calories, Lo-Ball currently leads the American League in drinkability. Whether he's brought in as an opener or closer, Lo-Ball's versatility is strictly major league. Oh, and don't tell the commissioner, but this guy has been juicing since 2013.


  • clear, bright, rich dark-ish golden color


  • moderate to high, frothy small bubbles when swirled


  • lemon, maple syrup, lemon Ricola cough drops


  • lemon, light whiskey, light maple syrup, earthy


  • thin / lacks body (but not in a bad way), light acid


  • light lemon finish

Tasting Notes / General Impression

refreshing, perfect for a hot day

Reviewer Notes


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Cidery Information

Shacksbury Craft Cider
Vergennes, VT

Matthew Ostrander
Matthew favors dry hard ciders with body and leans towards traditional English styles, and he’s also developed a serious appreciation for hopped ciders and creative flavor infused ciders. Though he prefers sweets in solid forms, he does enjoy semi-sweet to sweet ciders responsibly when the mood strikes. Learn more about our Chief Cider Curator here.